10 Purest Breastfeeding Tips

10 Purest Breastfeeding Tips

Don't Scrub your Nipples

  • Do not use any soap, disinfectants or other substances to clean your breasts and nipples. This could lead to dry or damaged skin. Let your nipples secrete natural substances that will prevent the growth of harmful bacteria. Keep products such as perfume, lotion, and alcohol away from the nipple area. These can still cause them to dry out and crack. You don’t need to clean or wash your nipples before or after feeding. This can only lead to skin irritation. Gently wash your breasts along with your body while taking a shower or a bath.


Be a Little Patient while your Milk comes in

  • For some women, colostrum is thick and yellowish. For others, it is thin and watery. The flow of colostrum is slow so that a baby can learn to nurse a process that involves coordination to suck, breathe, and swallow. Sometimes a mother's milk may take longer than a few days to come in. This is perfectly normal and is usually no cause for concern, but make sure to let your doctor knows. While babies don't need much more than colostrum for the first few days, the doctor may need to make sure the baby is getting enough to eat. 

Know that Newborns Nurse a lot

  • Despite what you might think, crying is a late sign of hunger. Try to nurse your baby before he or she is upset from hunger and is difficult to calm down.

    Note: Frequent nursing also serves another purpose. Your breasts work on supply and demand. The greater the demand, the more milk your body will produce. Your baby is helping your body to learn how much milk it needs to make.

Try not to Worry too much about Supply

  • Despite what you might think, crying is a late sign of hunger. Try to nurse your baby before he or she is upset from hunger and is difficult to calm down.

    Note: How much milk you can pump is not at all related to how much milk your baby is getting. As long as your baby is making at least five or six wet diapers a day, your supply is just fine.

Learn to Love Cluster Feedings

  • This behavior is NORMAL! It has nothing to do with your breastmilk or your mothering. If baby is happy the rest of the day, and baby doesn’t seem to be in pain during the fussy time keep trying to soothe your baby and don’t beat yourself up about the cause. Let baby nurse as long and as often as he will. Recruit dad (or another helper) to bring you food/drink and fetch things (book/remote/phone/etc.) while you are nursing and holding baby.

    Note: Growth spurts usually last two or three days and happen at about 1 week old, 3 weeks old, 6 weeks old, and again at 3, 4, 6, and 9 months old. Added bonus, when the cluster feedings are finally over, your milk supply will have increased.

Tend Tender Nipples

  • Pain during breastfeeding is a sign of a problem and should not be ignored. Although sore or tender nipples are common during the first few days of breastfeeding, it should improve. Normal soreness or pain usually occurs for about a minute when the baby first latches on to the breast. Pain that is severe or continuous or that occurs again after it seemed to resolve is a sign of a problem and should be corrected.

    Note: Your own breast milk is the best remedy, next, rubbing purified lanolin onto your nipples after each nursing session can help prevent chafing and excessive dryness.


Drink Often

  • You probably noticed soon after you begin nursing your little one that you felt thirsty more often. This is your body’s natural way of ensuring that you are getting enough water to make breast milk. Aim to drink the amount of water that you need each day for good health and then drink to thirst beyond that.

    Note: Let your partner know that there may be a night when you're going to have to wake him up to get you some water.

Work with Inverted Nipples

  • Having a problem with your Inverted Nipples? No worries a nipple shield is a flexible silicone nipple that is worn over the mom’s nipple during feeding. Nipple shields should in general be considered a short-term solution and should be used under the guidance of a lactation consultant.

    Note: Nipple shield users should always work with a lactation specialist to help determine when it's the right time to wean an infant from using a shield.

Discuss Breastfeeding Expectations with your Partner before the Baby is here

  • Inform your partner how you want to do when breastfeeding. The thins Pros in Breastfeeding is Breasts milk is free, and it never runs out. You don't have to sterilize and wash any bottles and teats. Your baby's poo  doesn't smell as bad as it would if he were formula-fed. His poo will be easier to clean up, too Your baby's less likely to get constipated than if he were formula-fed, which may mean he's easier to settle.

Practice Makes Perfect

  • Breastfeeding has its benefits for mothers, too! It is known to help mothers lose the weight gained during pregnancy because it burns calories.

    Note: It takes time to figure everything out- go easy on yourself.

Source of pictures: https://unsplash.com/ & Google

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